When I purchased my 2010 M3 by European delivery in 2009, I never expected to be as involved in driving high performance events (HPDE) as I am today. The combination of socializing with other drivers, learning fundamental aspects or car control, learning safety driving techniques, and being able to safely drive fast while abiding with the local laws are all factors that appeal to me and to many of us!
One strategy is to “self-insure” for potential incidents while driving on track. This works well until an incident is experienced. The emotional, financial, and personal injury toll can be very difficult whether the driver is insured or not.
In this article I want to briefly highlight track driving insurance available to us. Driving HPDE events have associated risks and I highly recommend consideration of track specific driving insurance. Nearly all auto policies have excluded coverages for track driving, high performance driving, and even for any incidents that occur at facilities designed for racing. If you hope to have coverage for driving on track, I recommend getting that coverage in writing. I suggest you also check whether you have insurance for your car when parked at a facility when you plan to watch IMSA, World Challenge or other events.
I do not intend to recommend specific insurance products. I do want our members to be aware there are excellent options for track driving insurance. Three well-known companies providing insurance options are Hagerty (https://www.hagerty.com/Insurance/Track-Day-Insurance?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIk6nAo7SV4AIVAtvACh09rwjzEAAYASAAEgL3__D_BwE&ef_id=EAIaIQobChMIk6nAo7SV4AIVAtvACh09rwjzEAAYASAAEgL3__D_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!5126!3!284768505490!e!!g!!hagerty%20track%20insurance&aff=gusbrdre) Lockton Motorsports (https://locktonmotorsports.com/events) and Open Track (https://Opentrack.com). These insurance policies typically are based on the value of the car, the deductible coverage selected and the duration of coverage.
I have been pleased with the Open Track insurance coverage for my track driving. The 12 Month Unlimited Insurance Coverage option has been my preference. These companies offer more limited lower cost options.
The big considerations are whether you prefer to buy a single day worth of coverage or event coverage where the price is the same for 1 to 4 days of a specified track event. The number of events and number of cars you drive on track as well are important considerations.
The newest product offered by Open Track is on-track Liability. This product provides coverage for damage to the track itself and for liability to others on track. This coverage is unique. Our Badger Bimmer driving events have been very safe overall, but incidents can occur. Most of us do not realize how much it costs to clean up the track when fluids spill from a car, and incidents where walls or fences are impacted can be very costly. There have been significant enhancements to the Road America facilities and if your driving incident causes damage to the track; you will be held responsible for these costs.
Bring your cars prepared for track usage and drive safely. Seriously consider track insurance for vehicle damage, track damage and other potential liability coverage. Wishing a great 2019 driving year!