On October 23rd, 2021, Badger Bimmers and the Beran family hosted their Fall Picnic near Whitewater, WI at their new home workshop filled with BMWs. The event was a pot luck with attendees bringing all sorts of great dishes to pass all afternoon. Over 70 cars were on display in the field with well over 100 people in attendance to see the Beran’s new shop and enjoy the fantastic, sunny fall weather. Models ranged from the classics to new and there were also many non-BMWs that attended in a separated display area.
In memory of Adam Bensaid, after his recent passing, his cars (his e30 and e32) were on display and many of his friends and family also attended to check out the club and get to know his car family.
The event gained the club some new members and the Beran family looks forward to hosting another event next year.